Hello, I am RITU
Learn Indian Classical & Bollywood Singing




2 Million+ YouTube Subscribers. 300 Million+ Video Views
A post graduate in Indian Classical music, with a YouTube channel of over 2 Million+ subscribers and having performed with music maestros like A.R. Rahman and Ranjit Barot, your instructor Ritu Agarwal will be teaching you all it takes to be a great singer.
Learn Concepts
All the concept explained in easy to understand language
Practice At Your Pace
Practice lessons and instructions to make sure you’re following
Become A Singer
Putting all the had work into practice to record your first song

Join a community of 300+ Students, Singers, Musicians & Content Creators.
MusicAdemy has students from all across the world, ranging from 15 years old who want to become content creators and even 65 years old who want to learn traditional Indian Classical Raaga Music. There’s something for everybody!